end of year awards
Open to all Ohio Western Dressage Association members in good standing.
Entry fee: $30.00 per level per one horse/rider team(pair). Each pair may enter up to two consecutive levels upon paying the entry fee for EACH level. Example: Intro & Basic or Level 3 & 4.
There is no limit to the number of horse/rider combinations for which a rider may submit scores. Horses my be ridden by multiple riders. Each horse/rider combination MUST be entered separately and pay a separate entry fee.
Participants may only compete in one division per competition year. Divisions: Open, Amateur, Youth (under 18), Physically Challenged and Therapeutic.
The competition year will run from December 1st thru November 30th of the following year. In example: December 1, 2023 thru November 30, 2024.
An overall highpoint award will be awarded in each division and individual level high point awards in each division. Levels: Intro, Basic, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5. Freestyle or specialty classes such as Western Dressage Equitation or Western Dressage Suitability will not apply at this time. If participation warrants, awards for those classes may be added in the future.
A single horse/rider combination may only win the high point championship a maximum of two times at any level. The exception will be for the Therapeutic and Physically Challenged Riders, as due to physical and/or mental issues the riders may be unable to move up the levels.
Rider must submit a minimum of four tests per level under at least 2 different approved Judges. The tests must be from a WDAA approved show. Beginning in the 2025 show season, one test must be at test 4 of the competition level – exception for Physically Challenged and Therapeutic riders. Additionally, at least one score must be from an OHWDA show, either a virtual or in-person show.
Rider must submit a copy of each score sheet containing the name and date of the show, the judge’s signature, and percentage score. (NOTE: Test sheet received must be legible and have the horse and rider’s name. If received without the required information or not legible, the test may be discarded.)
Scores must be submitted either on-line via email to ohiowesterndressageassociation@gmail.com or via US Mail to Ohio Western Dressage Association, 2819 East State Route 29, Urbana, OH 43078. Scores must be emailed or postmarked by 15 December following the end of the competition year on November 30th.
Scores may be verified with show management before qualifying for high point submission.
Placing will be determined by average score. In the case of a tie for Division High Point, the individual with the highest individual score will win; if the highest individual scores are the same, the next highest scores will be considered until the tie is broken. Individual Level High Points will be determined in the same manner as Division High Points.
Total points will be posted on the wdaoh.org website.
Awards will be presented at the OHWDA annual meeting in following January or February after the competition year.