Medal Program Rules
The Ohio Western Dressage Association is offering a rider's medal program to all members who are in good standing with the OHWDA and the WDAA.
Fee: $60 per medal.
Rider must be a member of OHWDA and WDAA at the time of medal submission and at the time scores were earned.
All submitted scores must be from WDAA judges and WDAA recognized shows.
Scores must be 65% or higher and one test from each level must be test 4.
Scores for each medal must be from at least 2 different judges.
Scores must have recognized show number on the face sheet.
Rider can submit application, fee and scores at the same time or separately.
Musical Freestyle scores can only be used for Musical Note Medals.
Submit one application per medal.
Scores can be from different years. Riders must be in good standing with OHWDA and WDAA when scores were earned.
Bronze Medal
3 scores from Basic Level
3 scores from Level One
Silver Medal
3 scores from Level Two
3 scores from Level Three
Gold Medal
3 scores from Level Four
3 scores from Level Five
Musical Freestyle Awards
Application can be found on the forms page
Bronze, silver and Gold Medal will receive a certificate and custom award with OHWDA Logo
When riders have earned all three medals, they will be eligible for the WDAA custom belt buckle for an additional fee.
Musical freestyle awards can be earned on they own or alongside the medals the choice is up to you.
Fee $60 per musical Note.
Must be in good standing with OHWDA and WDAA. At the time of application and when scores are earned.
Scores for each Musical Note must be from 2 different judges
Score must be 65% or higher
All scores must be from WDAA judges and WDAA recognized shows.
Riders can submit application, fee and scores at the same time for each note or separately
Submit one application per notes
Scores can be from differ3ent years. Rider must be i good standing with OHWDA and WDAA when scores were earned.
Bronze Note
2 scores from Basic Level
2 scores from Level One
Silver Note
2 scores from Level Two
2 scores from Level Three
Gold Note
2 scores from Level Four
2 scores from Level Five
Bronze, Silver and Gold Note Recipients will receive a certificate and a custom award. A Gold Note recipient can receive a custom belt buckle with the OHWDA Logo for an additional fee.
Exceptional Rider Medals
Fee: $60 per medal.
Rider must be a member of OHWDA and WDAA at the time of medal submission and at the time scores were earned.
All submitted scores must be from WDAA judges and WDAA recognized shows.
Scores for each medal must be from at least 2 different judges.
Scores must have recognized show number on the face sheet.
Rider can submit application, fee and scores at the same time or separately.
Submit one application per medal.
Scores can be from different years. Riders must be in good standing with OHWDA and WDAA when scores were earned.
Exceptional Rider Medal applicants must include a signed copy of the WDAA Exceptional Rider Statement of Eligibility Form. This form is available on the Forms page,
To earn a Therapeutic Bronze Level Medal: you need four (4) scores of 65% from either Leadline Walk Only test or Coached Walk Only test.
To earn a Therapeutic Silver Level Medal: you need four (4) scores of 65% at either Leadline A or Coached 1 or 2 Tests.
To earn a Therapeutic Gold Level Medal: you need four (4) scores of 65% at either Leadline B or Coached 3 Tests.
To earn a Physically Challenged Bronze Level Medal: you need four (4) scores of 65% from a Test of Choice in a single level appropriate for the rider.
To earn a Physically Challenged Silver Level Medal: you need four (4) scores of 65% from a Test of Choice in a single level, 2 of which must be from Test 3 from the chosen level as appropriate for the rider.
To earn a Physically Challenged Gold Level Medal: you need four (4) scores of 65% from a Test of Choice in a single level, 2 of which must be from Test 4 from the chosen level as appropriate for the rider.
Bronze, Silver and Gold Exceptional Rider Medal recipients will receive a certificate and a custom award. A Gold Medal recipient can receive a custom belt buckle with the OHWDA Logo for an additional fee.